Chronic pain from a spine condition (neck, mid back, lower back) will often include loss of flexibility and pain whether turning in bed, arising from a chair, or walking. Exercise will often be painful to perform during periods of back pain. Conventional care including diagnosis and mainstream chiropractic procedure referred to as “adjustment” helps 80% of persons improve or recover.
Your pain and associated symptoms or conditions may include headache and arm pain, rib and shoulder pain, and common low back pain with or without tingling and pain usually down one leg.
Usual and customary treatment of spine conditions are referred to as spine adjustment procedure/technique. The process is a simple action of restoring the movement the spine had prior to the injury event. This process allows the associated conditions/symptoms to begin recovery which in most situations can be felt in the initial 2-3 office visits which confirms both the diagnosis and treatment choice.
During the course of recovery exercise is introduced to assist recovery and support prevention along with a review of lifestyle activities for wellness.
Patients present with their spine and related conditions right after injury or after coping for months with no signifigant recovery. Recovery is expected regardless of how long the condition has been present affecting work and daily life.